As with most monitors mice are a good choice. You will find Griseus can be difficult as my female seems
to not like mice but prefers only large rat pups and loves cricketts all the time. Why I am not sure but male loves whole
adult mice. Insects are also taken readily such as cricketts,beatles,roaches. So a little variety would be needed. During
there feeding and growing season water is not needed as moisture is obtained from there food but a small bowl is
still offered regardless. Currently breeding some Eqyption Spiny mice (not needed) but a chance to offer a truely native
prey item related to the hedgehog.(only use fuzzies) |

spiney mice |
Food items should also be according to size. And during this time temps and basking sights should be at
optimum. (See temps and lighting). If feeding should stop and not related to stress
, try a different food item until you find what works to there approval.
Remember they will stop feeding during sheds and completly after there second shed. So dont be alarmed and
never try force feeding as this will cause extreme stress. There taste seems to alter with there needs, one day its nothing
but crickets the next its just rat pups.