We are still waiting on all of the egg's to hatch it shouldn't be to long now.
Our beloved male blackthroat is on breeding loan to a good friend of mine Dan Turner. With any luck all of the copulating
witnessed will have paid off.
Are new arrivals are settling in and have been paired up to there mates. Stumpy are young rescued male water monitor
has been copulating with his new partner Lizzie. She sure is getting big so I am betting she is gravid. The blacktree monitor
introduction has went very smoothly and they are just in love.
We are awaiting the arrival of Morrison from MI. she is a big sweet water monitor and will be the new mate for Waddi
our big male. They both have a great tempermant and just love attention.
Keep checking back with us for more updates.
Happy Herping :)
New arrivals:
Recently we have added a screamer young female black tree
monitor , a nice female Bosc monitor, and not one but two sweet female water monitors lizzie and morrison.
Special thanks to a good pal of mine John Kline , Don Mossley , Helen Wilson , and the folks at Underground

Female blacktree monitor

Female Bosc monitor

Lizzie, female water monitor
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