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Promoting the Proper Care and Husbandry of V.g.griseus.

A Very different Varanid.

This site will discuss what I have found to be the proper care and keeping of this species. I have studied and cared for many species of monitors and this is by far the most intersesting in the Varanid family. It requires the basics of varanid keeping such as thermo-regulating, hides, burrowing substrate and a good diet. But there is alot more to there specialized care......

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Hatchling pair

Getting Started : Encloser and Substrate
Choosing or building your encloser is the most important thing you can do for any monitor. It must fit all there needs for size and ability to give good substrate depth. For Griseus monitors thought for hibernation must be included. I use a 10"X12" wooden box burried partialy in the substrate. This must be included now not added later as it will disrupt there activity and give unneeded stress. As for substate I found a good local red sand that works well, holds burrows and doesnt cause dust that could cause breathing problems later. Depth is 2' deep since they are only yearlings at this time. Encloser is a med size horse trough with a vented top as humidity is a problem with them and for me in Florida a tough battle. So a vented top worked well for them keeping humidity lower around 50%.  A larger encloser and deeper substrate will be needed as they get  larger. Only changing them to this in the begining of there activity cycle in March orApril to allow time to adjust before next hibernation.

2004 set up
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